Students will learn more about the types of data within Python code.
In this tasks, you must adapt the sample code in main for it to follow the instructions within the instructions file. Make sure to write comments on what you changed.
Be able to read, comprehend, trace, adapt and create Python code using selection that:
A data type is a setting for a variable that tells it what sort of data to accept. The three data types we will use in these exercises are:
Casting is the act of converting variables to different data types. This can be done with separate functions:
Casting is also used during input. Normally, all inputs from the user are strings, but it can be casted into a different data type and stored into a variable: Example
num1 = int(input(“Enter a number -> “))
Certain operators are used to compare data types, they are:
Note that string data types cannot be used with mathematical operations
The type function returns the data type of a variable or piece of data. Examples include:
The data type can be printed as well.
The slideshow that are part of this section can be found here:
When you encounter errors you can code, make sure to check if: