So, let’s dive into our magical Python Calculator. At first, it will welcome you with a friendly menu, like how you see menus at your favorite restaurant. This menu doesn’t have burgers or pizzas though. Instead, it tells you what this calculator can do. It says it can add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), divide (/), and even perform positive exponentiation (^). It also mentions some rules – like it doesn’t support brackets or fractional answers, and it can only deal with positive powers.

The calculator then asks you to type in a math problem you want to solve. For example, you could type in “2 + 3”. But the calculator is pretty smart – it doesn’t just calculate the answer right away. It first checks to see if the problem you’ve given it makes sense. Did you put in an operator (like + or -) between numbers? Did you try to do something the calculator doesn’t understand, like putting in brackets or asking it to divide a number by zero? The calculator looks at all these things, and if something’s wrong, it politely lets you know.

In the end, after going through all the steps, the calculator proudly shows you the result. It says “Solution: “, followed by the answer to your problem. Isn’t that fantastic?
